What’s New with My Site?

...That the Bible is the inspired Word of God which was given to us for instruction, correction, and inspiration.
...In one God manifested in the Persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
...That man was created in the image of God, and because of man’s sin in the garden of Eden we are all born with a sin nature.
...That Jesus Christ is the Son of God, was conceived by the Holy Spirit through the Virgin Mary, and was born to deliver us from our sin nature.
...That Jesus was crucified, died on the Cross, rose from the dead, and is alive today, and as a result we obtain eternal life through Him, as we believe and confess Him as Our Savior and Lord.
...That through Christ, God sent His Holy Spirit. Through His Spirit we become the Body of Christ on the earth empowered to demonstrate the nature and the power of God.
...That all believers are called to be ministers of the Gospel and ambassadors of the Kingdom. To accomplish that calling God has given us gifts of insight, gifts of service, and gifts of power.
...That God’s Kingdom is real and eternal, superseding all other kingdoms of this world. The mission of the church is to proclaim and demonstrate the Gospel of the Kingdom and the Rule of Christ as God’s solution to the kingdoms of this world.
...In the return of Christ. He came in Person; He sent His Spirit; He will one day return for an obedient Bride, The Church. Regardless of when or how He comes, we shall be with Him and like Him forever.
